Dr Rob McCutcheon
Wednesday 13th September
Plenary 10: Cognition in Psychosis
Rob McCutcheon (MRCPsych, PhD) is a consultant psychiatrist and Wellcome fellow at the University of Oxford.
Following a Chemistry BSc he studied medicine, and subsequently undertook combined clinical academic training at King’s College London and South London and Maudsley.
His research investigates both how to use existing treatments more effectively, and how to develop new treatments for people with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.
This involves testing treatments in both humans and animal models of the illness. Techniques employed include positron emission tomography and functional MRI to better understand the mechanisms underlying both symptoms, and effects of treatment.
His clinical work is aimed at implementing state of the art care for patients, with a particular focus on areas such as cognitive, negative, and resistant positive symptoms that may be neglected in routine care.