Australian Psychosis Conference Abstracts

29th July – 30 September 2025

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Abstract Submission

  • The deadline for all abstracts is 31st January 2025; advice on abstract acceptance will be provide by the end of February.
  • Only fully registered presenters can be included in the final Conference program. Registration is required by 1st July 2025.
  • All abstracts must be submitted through the designated submission portal; please follow the submission instructions when preparing your abstract.
  • All submissions are reviewed by a panel of people with diverse experience in the mental health sector. Abstracts are reviewed in the context of the topic and theme under which they were submitted, and respect diversity, authenticity, scientific quality and relevance to the sector. Abstract selection notifications will be sent out to the corresponding author/s.

Presentation Types

Presentation types can be one of four options:

  • Oral presentations: Presentation involving 15 minutes to present background, methods, findings and conclusions, followed by 5 minutes for questions.
  • Lightning presentations: Brief 10-minute presentations followed by questions and discussion after completion of all lightning presentations. Note: Lightning presenters can nominate to enter a seed funding pitch at the time of abstract submission. If nominating for the seed funding pitch, the final 2-minutes of their presentation must outline a proposal that builds upon or extends the work presented with a budget up to $5,000. Judges will select the successful proposal on the day. See instructions below.
  • Symposium presentations: One lead discussant with at least two supporting discussants to give a 30-minute presentation on a topical issue, followed by 20 minutes of discussion time.
  • Poster presentations: Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference, with dedicated time at the Sundowner on the evening of Day 1 for delegates to present their content with other delegates in a casual and collaborative context.

Abstract Guidelines


  • Abstracts must be written in English, using Times New Roman, 12pt, single line spacing.
  • Do not include references, tables, or figures.
  • Carefully check spelling and grammar. The submitter is responsible for ensuring the abstract is error-free; the committee will not correct any mistakes in the published version.
  • Spell out abbreviations or acronyms fully on first mention and use the abbreviation thereafter.

Word Limits:

Counting only Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions sections, word limits are:

  • Lightning Presentations: Abstract must not exceed 300 words.
  • Oral and Symposium Presentations: Abstract must not exceed 500 words.

Title, authors, affiliations, disclosures, and acknowledgements not included in word limits.

Abstract Template

Seed Funding Pitch-Instructions

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